Modern Middle Manager
Primarily my musings on the practical application of technology and management principles at a financial services company.
2003 Initiatives

Saturday, December 28, 2002  

Some IS departments feel the need to hit a thousand targets all at once, accomplishing none. I believe in a few initiatives that actually get done. For the first quarter of 2003, the top goals of my department for the first quarter will most likely be:

1. Security -- continuing the work started with the GLB Act. Tighten down access to information, audit more heavily, continue and expand awareness programs.
2. Change Management -- with new servers and applications come many more ways to screw everything up. Better controls than what exist now are necessary.
3. Application Development Infrastructure -- move to open-source application infrastructure for all the reasons in my last post.
4. CRM Upgrade -- move to web-based system from current client/server app. Integrate into portal, modify to provide more comprehensive picture of client.
5. Imaging System -- outsource existing imaging system to web-based platform. I want my team concentrating on creating business value, not wasting time maintaining apps like this.
6. Thin Clients -- instead of upgrading our desktops to Windows 2000 and purchase new systems where necessary, move to a Linux/Citrix ICA desktop for most of the company, running apps on a farm of Metaframe XP servers.

My next task is to market these ideas to the COO and get them approved. That happens on Monday. Should be exciting.

posted by Henry Jenkins | 12/28/2002 12:26:00 AM

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